Deer Lake United Church

Where do we go if we're visitors?

Children leave the sanctuary folling the children's hymn and meet all together in the lower hall.

What about Sunday School and locations?

Sunday School rooms are located in the church basement - two are located off the preschool and one is in the lower hall

What are the grades & curriculum?

The children are groupd as follows:

We will be using bible Quest; a Bible story curriculum for all ages.

How do we enroll children in Sunday School?

Enrolling your child enables us to add his or her name to the classroom rolls and your family to our mailing list. Enrollment forms can be picked up from one of the Sunday School teachers.

Is there childcare?

We have supervised nursery care for children 3 years of age and younger. The coordinators are Kathy and Ellen.

What are worship opportuniteis for children?

Familes worship together with the congregaion during hte first part of the service. During this time Scott shares a special story with the children, followed by a children's hymn after which they will go to their Sunday School class.

Special Programming

The Children's Ministry plans many activities throughout the year. We are hoping to have a Vacation Bible School which is an exciting week during the summer designed for fun, developing new relationships, and learning about God's love.

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